How to Use Your Enneagram Training With Teams – Work Flow Management

character typing, which outlines ways that people perceive the world and control their emotional state. A diagram of the enneagram is utilized to explain the relationships among each type of personality.

The Enneagram may be powerful instrument to help ensure the health and longevity of multilateral groups. Knowing the enneagram’s type and how it can affect the way they perceive things can help broaden their perspectives and how one responds to situations and how they relate to each other. It is possible to use enneagram-related training by an organisation to minimize conflicts. There are disputes when there are interpersonal dynamics or miscommunications which is why having an enneagram based typology inside the workplace can create a safe environment in which honest dialogue can happen, leading to the likelihood of fewer arguments. Managers can have open conversations with their employees using the system , which creates an atmosphere of trust and honesty within the business. Enneagram aids employees in achieve their goals and improve productivity in their workplaces.


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